Open Call: Seni Tiga 2020

Poster design by Seni Tiga 2020 featured visual artist: CC Kua.



Seni Tiga (three art forms in Bahasa Malaysia) is an on-going project created by Kongsi Petak, an entity from the KongsiKL community that strives to promote multidisciplinary performances and expressions, to break boundaries between art disciplines and to make art accessible to all. The three art forms in Seni Tiga projects are movement, visual and sound.

In 2020, KongsiKL will collaborate with REXKL in hosting another 8 performances at both venues. Eight different group of artists will be selected to come together to create a structured performance in either KongsiKL, a 10,000 sqft warehouse that used to be a stainless steel factory; or REXKL, new arts hub in the heart of KL that used to be an old cinema.

Shoutout to all artists, new artists, non-artists, art critics as well as volunteers and interns - if you’re interested to add another layer of narration to the old stainless steel factory and the old cinema, fast fast apply!

Let’s all get ready to more crazy performances in 2020!